The Paradoxical Economy of Vaping!

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Humans live in this world, but that’s not how we define it when someone asks us our location. What we tell them is the part of world divided by some manmade boundaries based on territories that weren’t necessary at the beginning but now one cannot imagine a world without them. One can argue that this is the only systematic way of going about it and that we are disciplined because of these divisions based on countries but do you really think that the differences based on boundaries is doing any good to us? Well, for one thing the system is different in every country for almost everything and then there are different set of rules within countries/continents on the basis of states. This is why people in power are able to take advantage of products and other human beings in ways they shouldn’t. To understand it better, let’s take an example of vaping and see how economics of vaping is playing a significant role in its use and overall impact:

The reason why we took vaping as an example is that it is more than just a product like shijin vapor e juice. It holds significance in various ways. It has consequences and that too not just on people’s lives but on the overall state economy as well, and to a large extent. This is the case because the consequences which lead someone to start vaping are complex. The product is marketed on the basis that it will help smokers to quit smoking and shift to a less harmful product and then eventually quit. However, we all are well aware that a large number of our teens are also invested in this habit. The amount of people who vape and have never been smokers is huge. This fact is the reason why the whole economical situation of vaping is so complex that without breaking it down, one can never really understand it.

Now, the point where we said that vaping affects the overall economy of the state as well is the part where the taxation comes in the picture. Regular cigarettes have high amount of taxation as our leaders definitely want to de-motivate the public from this bad habit. But no one can deny the fact that the revenue coming from that is huge. In comparison to that, should vaping also have high taxes considering that it is stopping people from smoking, or at least helping them in quitting a much more harmful practice? The answer is obviously yes but then what about all those students who got indulged in vaping without any intention of switching from smoking because they never smoked in the first place, the teenagers who are vaping just because it’s cool? A whole generation is having nicotine intake who wouldn’t have done it had it not been for vaping. This is the paradox of economy of vaping that we were talking about. It is difficult for anyone to decide what is more preferable for them; to stop a whole generation from getting hung up on nicotine through vaping while letting the smokers continue what they are doing, or to try and make people quit smoking even if it is at the sake of adding a number of non smokers to the list of vapers!