If you’re thinking of traveling to Italy, learning some basic Italian phrases will help make your trip much more enjoyable. Knowing how to say hello, goodbye, please, and thank you can go a long way in making sure you have a great experience while in Italy. And if you’re looking to get a little bit more advanced, learning how to ask for directions or order food can be very helpful as well.
However, even if you don’t know how to speak Italian fluently, there are still some basic native Italian phrases you can learn that will help you get by during your trip.
Learning some useful Italian words will help you speak to most people you come across in formal or informal situations.
So don’t wait any longer – start learning Italian today and prepare yourself for an amazing trip! From greetings and introductions to ordering food and asking for directions, here are 50 essential Italian phrases that every traveler should know.
Greetings and Introductions
Ciao: Hello/Bye
Come stai?: How are you?
Piacere: Nice to meet you
Io sono… : My name is…
Tu sei… : You are…
Lui/Lei è… : He/She is…
Questo è il mio amico/a… : This is my friend…
Buongiorno: Good morning
Buonasera: Good evening/Good afternoon
Arrivederci: Goodbye (formal)
Arrivederla: Goodbye (formal singular)
Ci vediamo: See you soon (informal)
Ciao ciao!: Bye bye! (informal)
Salve!: Hi there! (informal)
In bocca al lupo!: Good luck!
Auguri!: Congratulations!/Best wishes!/Happy birthday!/Merry Christmas!
Prego: You’re welcome
Per favore: Please
Grazie mille/Grazie tante: Thank you very much / Thanks a lot
Scusi / Mi scusi / Scusa / Mi scusa: Excuse me (when passing someone) Excuse me (to attract attention) Sorry
Ordering Food and Drink
Vorrei… I would like…
Un caffè, per favore. A coffee, please.
Checking In/Taking Leave
Mi può aiutare?: Can you help me?
Dove si trova…? Where is…?
Posso lasciare la valigia qui?: Can I leave my suitcase here?
Buona giornata!: Have a nice day!
Buona notte!: Good night!
A presto!: See you soon!/Take care!
Prego!: Here you go!/After you!/You’re welcome
Va bene qui?: Is this good?
Va bene così?: Is this good enough?
Dov’è il bagno?: Where’s the bathroom?
Continuo dritto?: Do I keep going straight?
Giriamo a destra alla prossima strada?: Do we turn right at the next street?
Giriamo a sinistra quando arriviamo alla piazza?: Do we turn left when we get to the square?
È lontano da qui?: Is it far from here?
Quant’è lontano da qui al centro della città?: How far is it from here to the center of town?
Arrivederci!: Goodbye!
By learning even just a few basic Italian phrases, you can make your trip to Italy that much more enjoyable.
From greetings and introductions to ordering food and asking for directions, these 50 essential Italian phrases will come in handy in a variety of situations. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today!