How Not To Overeat? 

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How not to overeat? Probably not once happened to get up from the table sluggish and dulled, in short, fed up. Is there a way to avoid this? Naturally – it is enough to finish eating beforehand. But is that what it’s all about? In this article, I present tips that will help you get up from the table with a feeling of lightness and clarity of mind. 

How not to overeat 

The human body has been accustomed to eating wholesome food for thousands of years. It provides essential micronutrients, vitamins and nutrients necessary for healthy eating. Providing the body with nutritious products, we feel satiety after eating less food and it lasts much longer. 

Very popular refined food (white flour, pure sugar, white rice, crystal clear oils) looks great and initially tastes better, but does not provide the body with all the necessary ingredients. 

Consequences of overeating

The consequence of this is that we feel the feeling of fullness only after eating a much larger amount of food and unfortunately, we are again hungry fastly. This leads to excessive consumption of calories and unnaturally processed food, which is the main reason for the majority of civilization diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity. 

In addition, the progress of civilization and the growing standard of living makes easy access to very diverse food products. Each ingredient of the food that our meal consists of has its own unique taste, which is recognized and registered by the hypothalamus – the center of appetite control. We will feel the fullness of the brain when the hypothalamus registers a certain amount of each taste from the eaten food. Therefore, it is very difficult not to overeat by eating an extensive meal consisting of many ingredients. 

So, how to not overeat actually?

The recipe for healthy eating is eating simple dishes prepared on the basis of natural, unprocessed, whole-grained products. They are rich in all the ingredients necessary for the proper functioning. In addition, due to the smaller amount of flavors that make up such a meal, the hypothalamus will register a certain amount of each taste beforehand and feel satiety faster. 

Digesting some ingredients of food begins in the mouth. Thorough chewing on wholegrain products changes carbohydrates contained in them into sugars that effectively satisfy hunger and maximize the absorption of proteins, fats and minerals. 

Wholegrain products must be thoroughly chewed and mixed with saliva so that they are able to release the full range of nutrients. The key element of healthy eating is to develop the habit of proper chewing of food – each bite should be chewed between 30 and 50 times. At the beginning it will be helpful to place the cutlery between bites and counting movements with the mandible. 

At the end, never eat up, eaten should stop when the stomach is about two-thirds full.