Hosting a dinner for two isn’t as easy as putting some food on a plate. It takes some serious planning and organization to make it happen. Follow this guide to preparing a romantic dinner at home to develop the perfect plan for your date night.
Set the Mood
One of the hardest and most important things you should do when setting up a dinner is to focus on setting the mood. It’s vital to consider the vibe you want your dinner to have, as it’s possibly the most important part of making your date a success. The mood sets the tone for the night, and a romantic tone can drive the conversation and make the whole night feel special. Some of the most important factors to consider to set the right mood include dim lighting, soft music, and romantic table decor.
One of the best ways to control and set the mood is to change the lighting. Good lighting can change the vibe of the room, and dim lighting is common in romantic settings. You want to aim for darker lighting, but you should still have enough light to see each other and your food. Most people try to recreate candlelight or campfire lighting to create the right aesthetic.
Background Music
Music is a great way to change a place to fit the mood you’re going for. Try to pick songs that stir up romantic feelings without being too loud. This music should stay in the background, and it shouldn’t make it difficult to hear each other.
Home Decor
The decor of your home has a huge impact on the mood of your romantic dinner. A dirty place is never romantic. While you decorate your place for a date night, go for simple things that don’t draw attention away from each other. Things like flowers or simple decorations can help you focus on each other without letting the place feel vacant.
Prepare Delicious Food
The food you choose to bring to your dinner can also have a huge impact on a romantic night. Try to get meals that have full courses, and add in some side meals, too. Things like a good halibut dish with greens and some fruits can make a great impression and elevate the meal. Of course, always ask and respect the dietary restrictions of your guest.
Pair Drinks
Every dinner needs good drinks with it, whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic. When you decide on the food for your meals, try to find some drinks that will match it. A good drink can be just as important as good food for setting the right mood. For example, chardonnay is a great wine to use with a halibut dish, but there are many things you should know when pairing wine with halibut. You can change the entire vibe by choosing a wine that brings out different flavors in the fish, so consider your desired experience before making a choice.
All of this advice on what to do to prepare for a romantic dinner in your home is a good guideline. However, these rules are open to change. Maybe your guest can’t stand mood lighting, or perhaps there’s one song that you both love that doesn’t fit the standard list of good love songs. Be ready to make things individual and fun for both of you.