Why Do People Cheat? Top 10 Reasons People Cheat

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Why Do People Cheat

When someone is cheating on their partner, they are often left asking why? Although it is a fact that some men and women resort to cheating, the question is why they do so. This is murkier. 

A recent study has shown that around 15% of people have already cheated on their spouses. But even when we all know that infidelity is wrong, some people still do it. Why do some people resort to cheating? 

There is no sole reason to explain why people walk on the path of cheating in their short or long-term relationships. There are varied reasons why people cheat on their partners. Today around 40% of married couples are affected by infidelity immediately. There is a collection of distinctive psychological patterns which cover almost all reasons for finding out why? In this article, we are trying to discover the science behind this act.

Let’s take a look at several factors and warnings signs for infidelity

So why do people cheat in relationships? Let’s look at some factors and causes of infidelity, but it is crucial here to point out that a partner never causes the spouse to cheat. Whether it is a shoulder for crying, an exit strategy, or boredom, the cheater is solely responsible.

10) Personal reasons

There is a phrase, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” It refers to various personalized reasons for cheating. There are certain specific traits of a person due to which they commit this act of infidelity.

9) Dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction in the marital relationship, whether emotionally or sexually, is quite common. Without mutual nurturing, couples in the marriage may drift apart. Improve Your Sex Life? When there is a sexually unsatisfying marriage, that is also considered one of the common causes of infidelity.

8) Boredom

This is another factor that may lead to an affair of a man or woman searching for a thrill, excitement, and passion with newfound love. Some people have claimed that rather than searching for a substitute for a life partner, they fling up for spicing up life.

7) Unappreciated

There can be a feeling of being neglected or unvalued, leading to cheating in both sexes, but it is quite common in women. When both partners are working, then the woman has to carry out an additional brunt of caring home and also the children. In this situation, an affair seems to validate the partner’s sense of worthiness. This negligence might be related to various unrealistic expectations from a partner rather than a feeling of true neglect.

6) Disconnection

This is another common reason for infidelity, where both partners drift apart. So, cheating here works as a means of finding something new and exciting when an existing relationship is familiar and predictable. This disconnection may arise due to several reasons like lack of communication or life becoming too busy with work.

5) Self-esteem

The person can enter into an affair due to personal insecurity as well. When there is low self-esteem in people, this might make them dependent on the attention of others. For such people, the attention of just a single person is not enough. They start feeling highly insecure about their existing relationship so much that they may resort to cheating by looking at it as rejecting the partner rather than being themselves rejected.

4) Sexual addiction and Premature Ejaculation

Some people habitually engage in sexual activity with a person out of their relationship to satisfy their desires. So, people with sexually addictive behaviors may enter into an affair. They have highly compulsive desires which they find hard to control. This may be due to drug or alcohol addiction. Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual malfunctioning when ejaculation occurs sooner during sexual intercourse in a man. Today, it is a common form of sexual error which occurs in one out of every three men.

3) Childhood issues

It has been found that people who have undergone trauma in childhood have a higher tendency to cheat in a relationship. So, high-end exposure to infidelity during childhood increases the risk of cheating. A research study conducted in 2015 found that kids exposed to a situation where parents had one of two affairs are more likely to have entered into the affairs themselves when they grow.

2) Opportunity

Many people cheat as and when they get a chance. Many of the affairs begin with casual relationships with friends or co-workers. When people spend a lot of time together, they tend to inevitably become the ones with whom they would like to share their intimate feelings too. This may lead to a relationship becoming more emotional and intimate.           

1) Lack of confidence

The person’s lack of self-confidence and self-worth may lead them to the path of infidelity. Despite remaining faithful, people resort to cheating repeatedly due to a lack of self-confidence. They cheat their partners as a means of validating their self-worthiness. Such individuals are extremely good at convincing others and winning trust. Infidelity for such a person is a way to cope with all the insecurities that can prove crippling.


Cheating is quite an eminent social taboo. People who have been cheated around attest to how destructive it was for them. Infidelity is the betrayal of a partner and tends to leave the cheated spouse asking deep and probing questions about themselves. This act of cheating is extremely complicated. Cheaters utilize psychology to rationalize actions like others, whether it is a lack of confidence, self-consciousness, or dissatisfaction. Perhaps understanding these behavioral patterns and thought processes would assist you in determining the reasons for such actions in a clearer way.