Paying medical bills is always an experience that can be compared with the nightmare. You have to make a lot of expenses when you suffer from complex diseases. For critical healthcare, different sorts of expenses are required to be carried out. To meet these expenses, people have to go for personal loans in quite a lot of times. We do not expect medical expenses quite commonly. Medical emergencies occur at different stages of life. Due to medical emergencies, people have to make unplanned expenses. Low and average income group of people have to undergo a lot of troubles to meet the expenses.
There is medical insurance, though it is not enough to meet the expenses of the medical bills. Often it is found that expenses are larger than insurance claims. Some people also make some mistakes in choosing insurance policies. To save money on insurance plans, they choose basic insurance policies that do not come with a high amount of converge for health-related expenses. When you have to pay hefty medical bills, you need to look for a few ways of consolidating your medical bills. For that purpose, you can easily follow the tips as mentioned in the following section.
Medical Debt Collections
When you cannot pay medical bills, you shall find that the healthcare centers follow certain steps. At the first stage, the healthcare center would ask you to settle the debt. This is a good time to go for negotiations, though negotiations may often not work. However, one thing that you can do and that is asking the healthcare center to settle your bills through monthly installment basis. However, it may not also work, as there could be a conflict of opinions between the healthcare center and the bill payer.
So, when you do not settle the bills of your healthcare center or clinic, the health clinic or center sends the case to the collection agency. Now, the question is what the function of the collection agency is? The collection agency takes the responsibility of collecting the unpaid amount on behalf of the healthcare center or clinic. Collection agencies work in different methods. They initially rely on calling customers. Thereafter, they start visiting the customer for the collection of the unpaid amount. They also try to lure the payer with discounts on the bills.
From the perspective of the bill payer, it is important to understand the nitty-gritty of bill payment. As a payer, you should not want your case to be referred to the collection agency by the healthcare clinic. When an unpaid bill is referred to the collection agency, your credit score comes under scrutiny. So, it will have an impact on the credit score. Keeping bills unpaid will eventually take down the credit rating. As a result, you shall find a lot of financial issues due to a low credit score in the future. So, it is always good to settle the bills before the collection agency comes into the picture.
Medical Debt Consolidation
When you do not want the unpaid medical bills are referred to the collection agency by your healthcare center, you need to plan for debt consolidation. For medical debt consolidation, you have the option for a personal loan. Different financial institutions and banks offer loans to the people, who want to consolidate their medical bills. However, getting a loan from banks or financial institutions is a little difficult when you do not have a good credit score. So, when your credit score is below average, you need to look for bad credit lenders. Apart from that, you also have the option to pay bills through collateral. Instead of giving money, you can use an expensive asset to pay bills. In fact, collaterals can be used for getting loans from banks or financial institutions. For better debt consolidation solution, you can check debt settlement reviews.
Bad Credit Loan Options
So, if you want to go for debt consolidation through loans, you need to go for the bad credit loans when the credit score is not high. There are different options for bad credit loans. Some of those options are discussed below.
- You can get a bad credit loan through your car logbook. This is a type of loan is popularly known as logbook loan. All you need is to use the car’s logbook as collateral. The lender will keep the logbook as long as you do not complete the repayment of the loan. This is easy as well as a convenient option for getting a loan.
- When it comes to the bad credit loan, a payday loan is regarded as quite popular. With a payday loan, you can easily pay off your medical bills. This type of loan is easy to get, and you do not need any collateral to be produced before the lender. You have to be a salaried person, and you need to show your last 3 month’s salary. Based on your salary, you shall get a loan. The collection will be made automatically from your salary account on the next payday.
There are many options for personal loans where you do not need a good credit score. For example, you can ask for lending to a friend. Many such private lenders are available, offering loan through legal agreements.
Using Property for Debt Settlement
If you have a property, you can use it for the purpose of debt settlement. This is a good way of paying hefty medical charges. The property can be used as collateral to get a loan from a lender. Moreover, it can be sold to get the money to pay off the medical bills. However, for that purpose, you should be smart enough to make an investment in properties at a younger age. Having property is always useful in such cases.
Following the above tips will help you perfectly to deal with your medical debt consolidation. It has to be remembered that financial management is a matter that has to be handled efficiently and meticulously. Even a tiny mistake can appear to be extremely costly.