Tips for Saving Money on Your Grocery Bill

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No matter where you’re at financially, it’s always wise to save money where you can. One area of life that is flexible and ever-changing is the way you shop for groceries and what you purchase. Some things remain the same and can’t disappear from the budget. However, some aspects of your shopping list can still benefit from an overhaul. Follow along as we explore some tips for saving money on your grocery bill.

Make a Menu

Many successful activities begin with a plan, and that goes for grocery shopping too. Without a plan, you’re likely to make too many impulse purchases and come home with a mix of groceries that don’t contribute to budget-friendly meals.

To make a menu before you shop, first decide how often you want to shop. For some, a one-week menu is perfect for most, but some do better with a monthly schedule. Do what works best for you and plan out the meals for each day. After you select the meals, make a list of every ingredient you need and add those items to your grocery list.

Cook From Scratch

It sounds like a lot of work, but with proper planning, you can cook at least a few more dishes from scratch to save money on your grocery bill. Processed (and sometimes more convenient) foods are often more expensive than simple ingredients used to make a homemade meal.

The biggest benefit of cooking from scratch is that you can create substantial amounts of food for a lot less money. Rather than buying a small frozen lasagna, buy the ingredients to make a full-size lasagna and enjoy plenty of leftovers. Another great idea when cooking your own meals is to double the portion and freeze the extra so that you have ready-to-go food in the freezer.

Buy Generic Brands

We all have our favorite brands we don’t want to stray from, and that’s fine. However, you may not notice a difference in some items when you buy generic options. Plus, the savings you earn from switching to generic brands can add up. Today’s inflation is affecting grocery prices, and when you choose store brands rather than name brands, you’re likely to see a positive reflection on your grocery receipt.

Buy in Bulk

Most stores that offer bulk do so by allowing customers to purchase larger amounts for lower prices. You might pay a lot more for 15 pounds of flour than you would for a 5-pound bag, but you’ll get an all-around better price for it per pound.

Not everything is good in bulk, especially if it’s something you know you won’t use. Still, pantry staples such as flour, sugar, and spices are usually best in bulk.

There are many ways to cut back and save money, and following these grocery tips is one of the easiest places to start.