Say Goodnight: Top Ways To Relax Before Going to Bed

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Setting aside time to decompress can feel impossible when you live a life on the go. But we all need to make time to find a bit of inner peace in the evenings. Struggling to clear your mind at night can negatively impact your sleep cycle, so try out these top ways to relax before going to bed.

Create a Routine

Routines are important throughout life, especially when it comes to self-care because our bodies love regularity. Create a pattern to start decompressing before getting into bed. Consider making a soothing chamomile toneryou can use at night to care for your skin and find some inner peace. It’s easier to unwind after pampering yourself with a warm bath and skincare routine.

As you think up the best nighttime routine for you, consider adding in some light stretching, reading, or listening to relaxing music. These activities help encourage your brain to unwind.

Avoid Screen Time

It would be best if you put your phone, computer, and tablet away at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light emitted from screens keeps your brain active, which means falling asleep will become a challenge. If you must use a screen at night, invest in blue-light-blocking glasses or see if your device has a “night mode” setting.


If you struggle to clear your mind, meditation may be your new best friend. It’s hard to fall asleep when you’ve already got tomorrow’s tasks on your mind, but you don’t need to think about this as you try to sleep. Meditation is one of the top ways to relax before going to bed because it teaches you to clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. Plus, meditation encourages deep breathing, which helps calm the central nervous system and relaxes your mind and body.

Read a Book

Reading is a great way to redirect your thoughts as it pulls you away from those anxieties and places you into an imaginary world. You should stick to light and entertaining reading instead of something more complex—most recommend fiction—to prevent excessive mental stimulation. While some may enjoy non-fiction or technical works, these require more intense thinking, keeping the brain active.

Journal Your Thoughts

As you get ready for bed, grab a journal to jot down what you accomplished today, how you feel, and what you’ve planned for tomorrow. By jotting these things down, you get them out of your head, which is great for mindfulness.

Writing down your goals for tomorrow prevents you from lying awake worrying about all the things you have to tackle—you’ve got a list. Tomorrow’s worries are for tomorrow. Right now, your focus is on resting so your mind can rejuvenate to tackle those tasks.