In this month’s profile of Italian-Americans, we recently chatted with former Pittsburgher, Dino Sciulli, 40, who owns a barbershop in Baja California, Mexico.
First, tell us a little bit about yourself, your family, and what you do for a living? I grew up in the south Oakland area of Pittsburgh. My mother and father’s heritage goes back to a small town in the Abruzzo region of Italy called Gamberale. My father’s parents immigrated before my mother’s parents did. My dad was born in Pittsburgh and my mom came over in 1959. I currently live in Baja California, Mexico. I own a Barbershop and have been a licensed professional for over twenty years.
What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect of your career? The most rewarding part of my career is serving people and helping them look and feel good.
What are some of your favorite Italian traditions and why? I loved the wedding cookies that my folks would bring home after weddings. The food that comes with being Italian is my favorite tradition. It’s all about the food… and family!
What does being Italian mean to you? Being Italian is to be hard working and respectful.
What accomplishments in life are you most proud of? I am proud to have opened my barbershop. It’s been a twenty year dream for me. I am proud that I stuck with it. Who knows how long it will last, but at least I went for it!
What are some of your favorite hobbies? I enjoy surfing and trying new recipes, especially Italian recipes.
Who in your life has inspired you the most? My fiancé Lupe