Plenty of outdoor enthusiasts love camping because it means getting out into nature and exploring! And if you’re a regular camper, tired of the same old campsites, then it may be time to take a trip off-grid. But first, read about everything to know before camping off-grid to ensure your adventure is serene and enthralling!
Decide on a Location
When you get off the beaten path, the journey feels more freeing, and you get to embrace nature without the interruption of other travelers. Camping off-grid doesn’t mean driving out to the middle of nowhere and deciding on a spot. Instead, you should investigate locations.
Go on a few hikes or dives and scope out the ideal area. Choosing a site ahead of time ensures you pack the right materials, go at a good time of year, and stay safe.
Share Your Location
Before you leave, tell a friend or family member where you’re staying. Remember, depending on your location, you may not always have cellular reception. That doesn’t mean you have to compromise safety.
So, if you’re staying somewhere in Hillman State Park, Pennsylvania, share the details with someone. They should know where in the park you plan to stay and how long you’ll be gone. This way, if you run into an emergency and don’t return on your planned date, they’ll get help to your location.
Prepare Your Vehicle
Take the necessary time to prepare your vehicle for the trip. Whether you’re towing a camper or driving an RV, you should take it into the shop to make sure things are in order. You may need to replace your tires, check the vehicle battery, and more.
If you’re taking an RV for all the comforts of a home away from home, note that regular RVers recommend checking the plumbing, heating, lighting, and other essentials. You’ll need to know how to refill your RV water tankand keep extra water on hand so you don’t run out on your adventure.
Pack the Essentials
Water isn’t the only thing you’ll need to pack for a safe and fun-filled trip. Keep prepared by also packing a first aid kit, a map, and the necessary tools. Unfortunately, your phone GPS may not always work, so keep a backup paper map too.
Explore Responsibly
You can’t have a guide on everything to know before camping off-grid without mentioning exploration. Now that you’re on your own, investigate your location! Off-grid adventures are a blast when you go into them with the right mindset and pack the necessary gear.
As you explore your site, remember to clean up after yourself and continue dumping waste in the appropriate area. Escape a fast-paced life and enjoy nature with an open mind.