Let’s talk a little about Thanksgiving—one of my favorite holidays.
It is great to just relax and unwind with family. Everyone is always so busy so be sure to enjoy chatting and being around each other.
The funny thing is my family doesn’t keep it traditional with a turkey. I will eat turkey, but I’m not really a big fan of turkey cooked in the oven. Depending on where we are—usually either my house or my parent’s house—we just have a nice big dinner with a few hens, stuffing, corn, mash potatoes and pasta, among other things.
I know some people say they don’t care for turkey but they make one because it’s only once a year and they like keeping it traditional. I’m glad we do it the way we do it. I like to eat and when I eat I want to enjoy my food! I sometimes stick to what I know. I will try other food items, but if you don’t enjoy what you are consuming, then why eat it?
One thing that bothers me is the fact that some people and most businesses look past Thanksgiving and begin to ramp up for Christmas. Don’t worry—Christmas will be here soon after Thanksgiving. Let’s take one holiday at a time.
This might sound funny, but I watched the movie Click when it first came out and it hit me pretty hard. Sometimes in my life, I want to speed up certain things. After watching that movie, (yes I know that it’s just a movie and the concept is a cliche), you come to realize that our lives are short enough. Time will pass you by if you don’t stop and enjoy what you have and hold onto what you have. Before you know it things will change and people in our lives will be gone. So enjoy what you have and every minute of it!
The part of the Thanksgiving week that I stay away from is Black Friday!!!!!! Everyone loves to save money and get good deals on gifts. You won’t see me out this week with all the madness. I do not like crowds and people breathing right on top of me! I like to have some space in my surroundings. I like to stay home, relax and just have fun with my children. However, for those of you who go out, I give you a lot of credit because you’re dealing with some people who will do anything to get a bargain. So, please be careful.
Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thanks, as always, for taking the time to read this month’s Publisher’s Note. Until next time!
Green, white, and red—all day, every day,
—Jackie Cigars