Back Pain is one hell of an uncomfortable nuisance when you begin to feel it during the day. It could also rob you of a great night’s rest. People who suffer from back pain can wake up as much as six times during the night.
Studies have shown that lack of sleep can make you more sensitive to pain. That’s one hell of a vicious cycle! Back Pain causing insomnia. Insomnia worsening back pain.
If you are a partaker of this vicious cycle, do not worry!!
This article will suggest a few ways you can avoid restless nights that come from persistent back pain, or you may check out some of the mattresses reviewed by the Bedding Pal team.
Here are Four of the Best Ways to Avoid Restless Nights and Persistent Back Pain:
Change Sleeping Positions
Your sleeping position might just be the cause of the persistent back pain that robs you of your sleep. Certain sleeping positions exert extra pressure on the hips, neck, and lower back. Luckily if you are too comfortable with your sleeping position to change it, you can solve this issue with the use of a pillow.
For instance, if you prefer sleeping on your back, placing a pillow under your knees will allow for proper alignment of your spine. For stomach sleepers, although this sleeping position is not advisable, if you must sleep this way, then placing a pillow under your lower abdomen would do the trick, while side sleepers should simply put a pillow between their knees.
Change your mattress
Your bed could be the cause of your back pain. 6 out of 10 people attest to an improvement in their back pain after changing their mattress. Pressure relieving mattress are the best choice for people who suffer from persistent back pain. Firmer mattresses are the best choice for people who suffer from persistent back pain. Do not make the mistake of buying the super cushy ones. They feel good at first but are not back-friendly. My two brand recommendations are Ghostbed and Purple.
The Ghostbed and Purple compare well based on price, firmness, and comfortability. However, if getting a new mattress is not on the table for you, try adding plywood supports under your mattress.
Work Out More
Generally, exercise would help you sleep better. A stronger and more flexible core would reduce the risk of back strains during the night. Add a bit of abs and back workout to your exercise regimen. By doing this consistently, your back pain would definitely reduce.
Pay Attention to how you get up from bed
This may help with back pain. Instead of sudden, jerky movements, try rolling over to the side of your bed and push yourself up with your hands. Also, try not to bend forward from the waist while standing up from your bed.
Use Medication
Some drugs can help you get good sleep while helping with the pain in your back. Using over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, Advil, Motrin and Tylenol can be effective for short term use. Naproxen has more long-lasting effects and would offer relief from pain throughout the night. Most of these drugs can be found in “PM” version i.e. includes medicine that would help you sleep.
Using these drugs should be a part of a wider program of pain management. It is important that you use these drugs only under the direction of your doctor.
Most of the time, getting rid of restless nights can be tied directly to getting rid of backaches. However, this might not be the case in some instances. You may have to address some other causes of insomnia like stress, anxiety, and depression.
However, if the cause of your restless nights is directly related to chronic back pain, do not give up on finding a treatment that would work for you. In most instances, people put up with the pain when the situation can be completely treated successfully.